Adult ADHD | SpringerLink (4th ed. 2022)
This is the English version of ‘ADHD bij volwassenen, Diagnostiek en behandeling’, covering everything you need to know as a professional interested in ADHD in adults.
ADHD bij volwassenen. Diagnostiek en behandeling (4th ed. 2017)
This book is written for professionals to learn how to recognize, diagnose and treat ADHD in adults.
Hyper Sapiens (Dutch), with Suzan Otten-Pablos (2nd ed. 2015)
Hyper Sapiens is a guide to all aspects of ADHD, written with Suzan Otten-Pablos, who herself lives with ADHD.
ADHD bij volwassenen & de huisarts (2019)
This free online brochure is for general practitioners who need information about prescription of stimulant medication for ADHD in the Dutch situation.